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Crisis Track ®

Disaster Management Software

Damage assessment software designed to rapidly and accurately collect damage assessments for FEMA’s disaster declaration process

Stage your GIS/TAX Data


Citizen Damage Reports


Automated Workflows

Stage your organization’s GIS or tax data to identify all infrastructure locations and values making the mobile damage assessment collection a quicker and more accurate process.

Use initial damage reports from your citizens (by phone or by web) to help you identify the area of concern and assign infrastructure locations to damage assessment teams.

Manage each team’s time and locations as well as view assessment results in automatically generated FEMA Project Worksheet and ICS forms.

Crisis Track

Damage Assessment Software


Crisis Track is award-winning damage assessment software designed to rapidly and accurately collect damage assessments for FEMA’s disaster declaration process. Now part of the Juvare suite of solutions, Crisis Track has a standard, supported, integration with WebEOC®, enabling near real-time data sharing. 

Crisis Track processes and maintains infrastructure data before a disaster even happens. This solution collects and loads the dimensions and replacement costs for buildings, public utilities, bridges and culverts, and electric utility assets, and then uses this data to pre-populate web and mobile-based damage assessment forms with accurate data – making damage assessment much easier for your field teams.

Discover how Crisis Track can transform your business

Key Crisis Track Benefits

Three solution tiers are available to fit your organization’s unique needs:

Conduct damage assessments on infrastructure using GIS or tax data in preparation for a disaster declaration.

Crisis Track’s Damage Assessment tier has everything you need to prepare for a declaration.

  • View countywide infrastructure preloaded from your organization’s GIS and tax assessment data.
  • Use developed and tested standard operating procedures and exercises to train your teams.
  • Preplan common emergency management tasks before the incident happens.
  • Capture critical data on phones and tablets, even without internet connectivity, through the Crisis Track mobile app.
  • Generate real-time damage assessment data that moves directly from the field into the EOC and onto FEMA forms.

Crisis TrackCrisis Track’s Damage Assessment tier has everything you need to prepare for a declaration.

  • View countywide infrastructure preloaded from your organization’s GIS and tax assessment data.
  • Use developed and tested standard operating procedures and exercises to train your teams.
  • Preplan common emergency management tasks before the incident happens.
  • Capture critical data on phones and tablets, even without internet connectivity, through the Crisis Track mobile app.
  • Generate real-time damage assessment data that moves directly from the field into the EOC and onto FEMA forms.

This option includes the features of the other two tiers and expands to provide functionality for incident action planning, resource management, and situation reporting on emergency management incidents.

  • Track resource assignments and availability within an operation.
  • Quickly create, manage, and capture information for an incident action plan from the EOC or directly from a phone.
  • Enable search teams to plan, manage and document search activities in real-time.
  • Analyze, track and document the events and costs associated with HAZMAT Response incidents as well as prepare documentation needed for reporting and cost recovery.

Plan evacuation surveys and issue reentry permits using your organization’s infrastructure location and property ownership data.

Contact us to learn more about Crisis Track or to request a demo

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