Emergencies demand speed, precision and seamless coordination across agencies. In these critical moments, every second matters and having the right tools can make all the difference.
Enter EMTrack, Juvare’s premier solution for real time incident and patient tracking. With EMTrack, you’ll always have a clear picture of unfolding events from mass casualty incidents to evacuations, pandemics, and large scale public events like marathons, concerts, and high profile sporting events. EMTrack connects emergency medical personnel, hospitals, and public health agencies on a unified platform, ensuring efficient patient workflows and seamless information sharing from the field to the hospital. Hospitals rely on EMtrack for accountability, efficiency, and compliance during critical events, exercises, or daily operations. It enhances visibility and coordination, providing a common operating picture of patient movement, triage, and tracking.
Public safety and law enforcement agencies utilize EMTrack for reunification during pre planned or emergency events, helping locate family members and identify their locations and belongings.
EMS crews leverage its capabilities during mass casualty events to streamline data collection and report where patients are being sent. From triaging patients to coordinating transportation and care, EMTrack keeps everyone informed and ensures the right resources are in the right place at the right time.
The mobile app is a game changer, fast, efficient, and designed for seamless field data collection.
Whether tracking patients, allocating resources, or maintaining situational awareness, responders have the tools they need all from the palm of their hand.
Battle tested. Proven. Scalable. EMTrack isn’t just software. It’s a lifeline in times of crisis. With EMTrack, you’re not just managing the moment. You’re building resilience for the future.