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DRJ Fall 2024 – Disaster Recovery Journal Conference




Transforming Safety and Efficiency.

WebEOC for Business Continuity

Adaptable Enterprise Resilience Solutions for Lasting Success.

2024 Interop

Meeting of the minds at Interop 2024.

DRJ Fall 2024 - Disaster Recovery Journal Conference

DRJ’s conferences are the longest-running and best-attended business continuity events in the world. DRJ can help you protect your organization from today’s disruptions and tomorrow’s threats by exposing you to insights from industry leaders and giving you an early look at new BC technologies.

Attending DRJ will give you the tools you need to secure your organization’s data, increase resiliency, reduce downtime, and protect your stakeholders. By improving your ability to prevent and respond to disruptions, DRJ can save your organization money and time.

Juvare Booth Information

Location: Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center

Date: September 8-11, 2024

Juvare Representatives

Discover more by connecting with WebEOC, Crisis Track, and WeatherOptics.



WebEOC Nexus

Juvare SaaS Solution.

WebEOC Election Boards

WebEOC is your comprehensive tool for ensuring a smooth and transparent election.


Integration with Juvare’s WebEOC empowers emergency managers.

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