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Faces of Juvare: Meet the Experts Behind the Solutions — Kaleb Brown

Meet Kaleb Brown

Director, International Channel Partners

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Family: My wife and 3 children.

College/Education: B.A. from The Ohio State University; Graduate Certificate from Clemson University

Favorite activities outside work: Road trips with the family

Background in Emergency Management: Worked as an Emergency Management Professional at South Carolina Emergency Management Division.

What Do You Love Most About Your Job?: Solving complex problems that ultimately makes society a better place

Why Juvare? I like to be part of something big. Juvare has the largest community of those concerned with emergency and incident management. Juvare is unique in what it offers and can provide a forward-leaning approach to finding solutions.

Most Important Quality You’ve Observed in Successful Emergency/Incident Management Professionals:
A calm demeanor and an appreciation for the power formed through relationships

What is the Future of Emergency/Critical Incident Management?:
Data, data, data. How can we use data more efficiently? How can we analyze the data for enhanced operational and/or recovery objectives? How do we use data to connect emergency management principals further into society?

Favorite vacation destination? I don’t have a favorite. I like them all!

Any pets? One dog, one cat, one rabbit, one fish, and two gerbils.

Favorite sport/sports team: Anything Buckeyes: OH-IO! Buckeye Nation! Go Bucks!

What book are you reading right now?: Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley

Anything else people should know about you? When I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine, Hurricane Katrina hit the U.S. Given my remote location in Ukraine, I was removed from the news cycle (at times, by months). I learned about the hurricane via a magazine my parents sent me through international mail. I shared the magazine’s images of the hurricane’s impact with my Ukrainian students. Those students did not believe such a situation could happen in the U.S. They refused to believe! I became aware that as an American, working in emergency management bestows an opportunity to showcase to the world our highest values as a society. Having completed my tour as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine, I was blessed to be hired by the South Carolina Emergency Management Division to pursue a noble quest to make us all stronger and bounce forward from disasters. I continue to be honored doing what I do now, helping organizations empower themselves so they can take care of others within their areas of responsibility. I work all over the world and it is a joy to see how the emergency / incident management profession evolves and is used in other countries.

Favorite quote:   I actually collect quotes. Currently, I remind myself of Art Williams – “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

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