Air and Cruise

Manage passenger and crew data for use by family assistance, care, and command center teams 

WebEOC Air and Cuise Board

The Air and Cruise Board helps transportation agencies manage passenger and crew data for use by family assistance, care, and command center teams as they plan for, respond to, and recover from disruptions and disasters.

The board is comprised of four main components:

  • Passenger List provides data entry forms and reports to help agencies manage information about passengers and crew members. Seventeen preformatted reports are included.

  • Team Manager offers notifications and reports to help managers contact, deploy, and analyze information about their teams. Eighteen preformatted reports are included.

  • Call Center offers a list of callers that allows agencies to organize details from incoming calls, match them with passengers, and record correspondence with callers.

  • Data Manager works behind the scenes to help agencies import passenger manifests and crew member lists. This component can also be used for exporting data from the administration area and report views.

Air and Cuise Key Capabilities

The Air and Cruise Board helps you keep track of the people on a specific craft or vessel, and in turn, improves the flow of information in the event of an incident

Access to the Air and Cruise Board is determined with board permission tags that allow you to grant permissions to groups, positions, and associated users to access the module and specific features therein. For example, selecting a Delete permission tag means the group has access to the delete information in that area of the board.

Air and Cruise Dashboard

  • Design and add display views to increase access to data and reporting.

  • View data with over 177 different displays.

  • Import passenger information from flight manifests.

  • Sort and edit passenger information.

  • Add attachments, including identification documents, photographs, receipts, financial records, and medical records, to passenger records.

  • Maintain team member information relevant to training, deployments, and activations.

  • Team Members

    Post messages that are visible only within the Team Manager board.

  • Activate or deploy one or more team members simultaneously.

  • Print passenger reports in PDF or Microsoft Excel format.

  • Export data and the relationship between data tables in XLSX format.

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