ArcGIS Extension for WebEOC

Functionality for editing and data management tasks


The ArcGIS® Extension provides seamless integration between ArcGIS Online and Juvare’s WebEOC® emergency management and operational resilience solution. Administrators or designated users in WebEOC have the freedom to convert any number of WebEOC Boards to Feature Services for both ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online. As geocoded records are created in WebEOC, they are simultaneously made available in ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS Benefits

ArcGISArcGIS Pro now offers all the required functionality for editing and data management tasks while exponentially expanding their capabilities in spatial analysis. The extension allows clients to leverage WebEOC data in tandem with ArcGIS Online data sources, tools, and dashboards. The result is near real-time Board data availability within ArcGIS Online applications without the need for any custom development or additional technical expertise. By accessing and visualizing WebEOC data in ArcGIS Online, the ArcGIS Extension for WebEOC supports a more accurate and cohesive common operating picture than ever before.

  • Near real-time data sharing between WebEOC and ArcGIS Online.
  • Unlimited Feature Services for any WebEOC Board.
  • Ability for non-technical staff to create new Feature Services in minutes.
  • Visualization of WebEOC data within any ArcGIS Online application.
  • Bi-directional data sharing

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