Contact Tracing

Included in WebEOC Nexus and available as an add-on

Monitor employee check-ins, trace contacts, and manage symptom reporting

WebEOC Board:
Contract Tracing

The Contact Tracing Board allows you to monitor employees’ daily check-ins and trace contacts in associated positions or locations.

With the Employee Management component, employee’s are required to complete the check-in form every time they open the solution. This information provides insight regarding locational attendance and whether they self identify with any symptoms. Employees who report symptoms are then tagged in the solution and tracked.

Additional information, such as contact testing, calls, and quarantine or isolation dates can also be tracked. Contacts exposed to someone with symptoms can be added to the contact tracing details to build a tracing tree.

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Contact Tracing

Why You Need Contact Tracing and Case Managment

As organizations are beginning to evaluate processes for reopening, most need tracking and monitoring capabilities for contact tracing in order to help control the spread of COVID-19.

Contact tracing allows agencies, organizations, and corporations the ability to record and monitor data about individuals who have contracted coronavirus or have come into contact with those who are infected. This also allows monitoring ongoing COVID-19 testing, as well as tracking of those individuals who need to be in quarantine or in isolation until they are no longer contagious.  

As organizations perform contact tracing tasks, they can also work with individuals who have tested positive to determine everyone they may have had close contact with while they are infectious, and to contact those individuals to warn them about possible exposure to coronavirus so they can also be tested and treated if necessary.

Key Capabilities

  • Allow employees to check in, answer questions, and self identify the presence of any symptoms.

  • Manage, review, and export details about employees attendance, status, and their contacts.

  • Schedule and track calls to confirm symptoms or quarantine.

WebEOC Contact Tracing
WebEOC Contact Tracing

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