National Qualification System

Included in WebEOC Nexus and available as an add-on

Create and manage incident workforce qualifications

WebEOC Board:
National Qualification System

The National Qualification System (NQS) Board helps you create fundamental qualifications for your incident workforce, encompassing personnel in incident management, incident support, and emergency management roles using your WebEOC desktop or mobile app.

National Qualification System

Key Capabilities

  • An NQS Dashboard that displays total courses, positions, users, and qualified/completed courses and tasks.

  • Position qualification and tasks sections for: education, core curriculum training, position specific training, experience, physical/medical fitness, currency, and professional/technical licenses and certificates.

  • Official courses that can be added; new courses can be created.

  • Courses that are designed to match up with the National Preparedness Course Catalog to easily import classes.

  • A user bio that displays all positions, training, education, and licenses/certifications.

With this board, you can:

  • Train and qualify personnel for incident preparedness and management.

  • Create positions and add requirements for user assignment.

  • Create and manage task requirements for different positions.

  • Assign tasks and courses to users when they are assigned positions.

  • Review workforce credentials and assign users to the appropriate training.

  • Easily assign and unassign users to positions and review unfulfilled/met credentials.

  • Assist and track user progress in the system.

  • Tie WebEOC users to user accounts for ease of access.

  • View and print out a user’s Task Book credentials for a specific position.

  • Monitor personnel progress and approve them for specific positions.

  • View a report of the qualified and partially-qualified users for each position.

National Qualification System
National Qualification System

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